Discrimination and Harassment at GTV
It has been brought to our attention that some residents of our GTV community are being subjected to discriminatory harassment, vandalism, destruction of private property and trespassing on private property. This behavior will not be tolerated at GTV. GTV has the ability fine residents for this behavior.
Dues Update: Effective Jan 1, 2025, HOA dues will be $318 / month, or $3,816 annually. You can pay your dues annually, quarterly or monthly.
​Office Phone number update: The Office phone number was changed in early Aug. The number is 541-590-3003
Office Hours: The office is open from 9 AM to 3 PM, including lunch hour.
Clubhouse Doors locked:
Because of several incidents of non-owners accessing the adult pool and showers over the last few weeks, we are forced to lock the doors to the clubhouse during the day. These people were also seen smoking in the pool. Going forward, you must use your fob or card key to access the clubhouse. Please do not let in non-residents unless you accompany them.
​UPDATE YOUR INFO: If you have changed your phone number, e-mail address, or moved, please stop by the office and update your contact information. Up-to-date information is important to have in case of an emergency. It also helps keep our GTV directory up-to-date.
We are also collecting email addresses to add to our email contact list. Please update the directory with your email address.
Gate Cards and Fobs: The Front Office staff is requesting your help. If you have a gate cards or fobs that you no longer use or have lost please notify the office so we can remove them from the system. Our goal is to keep our gated community as secure as possible. Thank you.