Greentrees Village Committees
The Greentrees Village Board of Directors appoints committees each year to help them with various tasks. The purpose of a committee is to assist and advise the board in a given area of responsibility. Each committee derives its authority from the board of directors. A committee cannot make policy or rules. Only the board has that authority. Committees can advise the board and make recommendations.
Greentrees Village has the following committees:
Architectural Control Committee (ACC): The ACC has the express purpose of enforcing and protecting the design standards and restrictions set forth in the Land Use Rules and Regulations in the Association’s Rules. The ACC issues permits to owners who wish to alter the structure of their homes and buildings if the alternations meet Association’s requirements. The ACC may recommend variances on behalf of lot owners, but the board must approve or disapprove all variance requests. The ACC may also recommend to the board that fines be assessed against owners who fail to comply with design standards and restrictions.
Property Committee: The Property Committee is responsible for advising the board as to what work must be done to maintain the community’s common property. The committee annually submits to the board a recommendation for projects that should be completed the following year. The committee also researches physical problems that occur to the facilities and recommends solutions.
Finance Committee: The Finance Committee helps the board fulfill its fiscal and oversight responsibilities. It reviews and recommends approval of the annual financial budget prepared by staff. It ensures that all financial reports prepared by staff are timely. It regularly reviews financial results and ensures the organization is operating at the highest level of transparency. The committee annually reviews the independent CPA results of the last financial statements and the contents of the prepared management letter. And it oversees the management of organization-wide financial assets.
Bingo Committee: The Bingo Committee provides residents with the opportunity to play bingo and socialize without having to leave the Association’s property. The Bingo Committee operates bingo games exclusively for residents and their guests and is Not for Profit. The committee members facilitate the Bingo games every other Saturday night.
Activities Committee: The Activities Committee is made up of resident volunteers who organize and put on activities for residents. The committee raises funds throughout the year by putting on events such as dinners, dances and a Flea Market. The funds are used to sponsor a free Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner for all residents. Additionally, the Activity Committee sponsors a monthly meet & greet, the Fourth of July hot dog lunch and various other free activities for residents.
Communications Committee: This committee is made up of resident volunteers who write, edit, and prep articles for the monthly newsletter as well as securing advertising for the newsletter. The Committee manages the website and also manage the email communications for both regular and emergency email communications as well as a Facebook page. They work to keep the Community well informed of activities, events and happenings in the Community.
Communications Policy, revised 10/15/2024